8 thoughts on “My First College Speech

  1. Holly

    Wow, hiking the Appalachian Trail is awesome! My 28 year old son Max is a Speller too and we live in York, PA Thanks for sharing this video Jace!

  2. zac

    Hi Jace! We have not met but I know your parents through temple and Muhlenberg and your dad introduced me to your blog. Very impressive! And I really enjoyed hearing your first college speech. I love to hike too, and your Appalachian Trail adventures sound awesome. I’ve hiked a very small portion in comparison and don’t have a trail name (yet) although reading about your adventures has given me much to aspire towards. Next time I see you/your family at temple (I dont get to go very often) I will be sure to introduce myself to you in person. Take care and keep up the good work!

  3. Ruth Douglas

    Jace, you’re all grown up! It’s been so fun seeing your updates from time to time. I can’t believe Keller is going to college. Time flies. I still remember babysitting for you both years ago when I went to Muhlenberg. You are so thoughtful and smart. Thank you for sharing this window into your mind and your life.

  4. Dawit

    You’re an amazing young man! Thank you for inspiring, Jace. I also love hiking and have a crazy dog! :)
    Your message is crystal clear and full of wisdom.
    Your future is bright!
    I’m exciting to share with my family and friends. Thank you!


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