My Origin Story

Jace hiking in Hawk MountainAt a young age I knew I was different.  My body didn’t move the way I wanted it to.  At age 2, my body changed.  After some time, I felt lost in space.  About age 5 I figured out how to write.  Soon after I was able to show my teacher that I could communicate.  We were working on a writing assignment about learning to play piano.  All of a sudden I began to write words on her paper. She saw I made sense and encouraged me to keep doing it. I continued with this way of communication until this summer. My writing was difficult for others to understand.

A friend I met from Philadelphia is a speller. He told me about spelling. So my mom made an appointment with a practitioner that was closest to us.

The first time I went to a session I was very excited. The ride was only an hour and a half but seemed like an eternity. My first time on the letterboards was magical. I knew that I was born to spell.

It has been six months and my life has begun to change. I can’t believe how spelling has been embraced by my school. I am now able to type on a keyboard. I am also part of an amazing group of speller friends. Let me end with some encouragement for future and current spellers: keep going – don’t give up. The journey may be hard but it is so worth it.

2 thoughts on “My Origin Story

  1. Donna Seiler

    I loved this story, Jace, and I especially love how grown up you are! I still remember the little guy at Calypso. I’m so happy reading about your spelling accomplishments, it opens up the world for you. Best of luck always in your life journey!


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